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Saturday 17 August 2024

[Free RPG Day 2024] Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1

Now in its seventeenth year, Free RPG Day for 2024 took place on Saturday, June 22nd. As per usual, Free RPG Day consisted of an array of new and interesting little releases, which are traditionally tasters for forthcoming games to be released at GenCon the following August, but others are support for existing RPGs or pieces of gaming ephemera or a quick-start. This included dice, miniatures, vouchers, and more. Thanks to the generosity of Waylands Forge in Birmingham, Reviews from R’lyeh was able to get hold of many of the titles released for Free RPG Day.


Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 is an introduction to Shadows of Esteren, the French roleplaying game of low dark fantasy with elements of Gothic and Lovecraftian horror. Published by Studio Agate, this originally debuted with Shadows of Esteren 0-Prologue in 2013, providing not only an introduction, but also descriptions of the setting, some pre-generated Player Characters—all of whom were key to the ongoing campaign tied to the setting, and three scenarios to get started. When it was introduced, the English-speaking hobby was fascinated by this French roleplaying game with its themes of tradition versus modernity, science and industrialisation versus faith, and monotheism versus spiritualism, as well as captivated by its artwork which looked like nothing then being published. Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 is similar to Fateforge: A Journey in Eana – 1, the introduction to Fateforge: Epic tales in the World of Eana, also published by Studio Agate. Thus, Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 serves not only as an introduction to the setting, it also provides an overview of the game line as a whole and includes a scenario as well.

Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 begins by highlighting the key points about Shadows of Esteren, that it combines a dark universe with a low fantasy, has a unique visual atmosphere, involves a intuitive game system, and is supported by music and a video game. There is a short guide to all eight books in the Shadows of Esteren series, but it focuses upon the first two in particular—Shadows of Esteren 0-Prologue and Shadows of Esteren 1-Universe—are available to download or ‘Pay What You Want’, providing a more detailed background for both.

Then there is detailed exploration of the setting for Shadows of Esteren. This is the Tri-Kazel peninsula. It is home to three nations—Tol-Kaer with its old tribal ways and Demorthèn spiritual cults; Gwidre which has been converted to the Temple of the One God by missionaries from the Great Theocracy from the rest of the continent to the north and adopted feudalism; and Reizh, which has taken up the science of Magience, developing and creating devices, machines, and ‘toys’ powered by ‘Flux’, an energy derived from matter itself, though not without its cost to the environment and land itself. This sets up the core tensions within the setting, although elements of Demorthèn spiritual cults, the Great Theocracy, and Magience are found across all three nations, although to varying degrees. What unites the different peoples is a fear of the unknown, of the Feondas, hideous monsters with a ghastly reputation for doing the vilest things. The introduction notes that The Shining is a major inspiration, so there is the constant danger in Shadows of Esteren of the Player Characters and the story slipping into this other genre, a feeling of dread that threatens to tip over into something worse. Shadows of Esteren is a roleplaying game about the psychology of horror as much it is the clashes between culture and faith.

‘A Solitary Path’ is the scenario in Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1. It takes place near a Cinthareïd, a Demorthèn sacred place infused with the essence of spirits, located alongside a wooded mountain path. Not so long ago, a Varigal, a local guide, get separated from the party he was guiding, fell, and died. His restless spirit haunts the path, angry at being abandoned and left alone, despite the fact that he was actually a loner. The Player Characters are drawn into the situation simply by travelling along the same route, perhaps on their way to another location, perhaps actually investigating word of restless spirits besetting the way. As they get closer to the Cinthareïd, the trees rustle more ominously, the tracks the Player Characters leave in the snow disappear, the ground shakes, brambles thicken and grow, and worse… The mist grows and perhaps threatens to separate the Player Characters, lead them astray, perhaps to suffer a similar fate to the lost Varigal?

Finding a solution to the scenario does involve separating one Player Character from the rest of the party. The problem with this is that it places one Player Character in the spotlight, leaving the others with little to do in order to resolve the situation. The solution perhaps is instead to run the scenario for just a single Player Character and so place him in the spotlight from the start. This makes it suitable to run between other longer scenarios and slot into an ongoing campaign, especially as it can be run in a single session. ‘A Solitary Path’ is strong on atmosphere and horror, with a sense of isolation that makes it perfect to run for a single Player Character.

Physically, Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 is a solid looking booklet. It does a very good job of showcasing the artwork found in the v line and it also includes a very nice map of the Tri-Kazel peninsula.

Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 is good introduction to the world of Shadows of Esteren, explaining both what the setting is and what books are available. The scenario is atmospheric, but the Leader—or Game Master—will need to take some care in how she chooses to use it in her campaign. Overall, Shadows of Esteren: A Journey in the Shadows – 1 does a serviceable job of setting the player and Leader alike up for their first proper exploration of the setting with Shadows of Esteren 0-Prologue.

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