Every Week It's Wibbley-Wobbley Timey-Wimey Pookie-Reviewery...

Friday 11 October 2024

Friday Fantasy: The Rats of Ilthmar

Dungeon Crawl Classics
Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar
is a scenario for Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and the tenth scenario for the
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set.
Scenarios for Dungeon Crawl Classics tend be darker, grimmer, and even pulpier than traditional Dungeons & Dragons scenarios, even veering close to the Swords & Sorcery subgenre. Scenarios for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set are set in and around the City of the Black Toga, Lankhmar, the home to the adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, the creation of author Fritz Leiber. The city is described as an urban jungle, rife with cutpurses and corruption, guilds and graft, temples and trouble, whores and wonders, and more. Under the cover the frequent fogs and smogs, the streets of the city are home to thieves, pickpockets, burglars, cutpurses, muggers, and anyone else who would skulk in the night! Which includes the Player Characters. And it is these roles which the Player Characters get to be in Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar, small time crooks trying to make a living and a name for themselves, but without attracting the attention of either the city constabulary or worse, the Thieves’ Guild!

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar is a scenario for Third Level Player Characters and is slightly shorter and slightly different scenario to others released for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set. Not in terms of what the Player Characters have do, which is perform a robbery, but in terms of who the robbery is being performed for and where it is being performed. The who is the Overlord, the ruler of the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, and somehow, the Player Characters have fallen foul of the law, or at least the authorities, because either is very likely, or somehow come to his attention. Thus, the where, which is the city, the notoriously dirty, trash-ridden city of Ilthmar. This lies to the east of Lankhmar, on the coast of the Sea of the East. Then the why. Ilthmar is home to the cult of the Rat God, a cult barely tolerated in Lankhmar. The Overlord recently learned that the cult of the Rat God has recovered a holy relic, the Hand of St. Heveskin, and worse, instends to have it smuggled into Lankhmar where doubtless it will attract untold numbers of rats which will get into the city’s grain stores, leading to likely food shortages and possible famine and unrest. Fortunately, Lankhmar is home to some of the greatest cut-throats, sorcerers, and alley-fighters, not to save thieves, in all of Newhon. Of course, since neither Fafhrd or the Gray Mouser are available, the Player Characters will have to do. As the scenario opens, they find themselves in alley close to the Temple of the Rat on Ilthmar Harbour, observing a number of barefoot worshippers dressed in rat hair robes and carrying slender whips, followed by priests naked except for the rat masks they wear and the bigger whips they carry. This is definitely not a scenario for anyone who suffers from musophobia!

From this set-up, it is entirely up to the Player Characters how they proceed. They can climb over the walls, they can waylay some of the worshippers and attempt to mingle with them in what is an important ceremony, and so on. They only have tonight as today is the Day of the Rat and tomorrow the artefact is going to be shipped out to cultists in Lankhmar. Of course, because the priests and worshippers are attending the ceremony, the rest of the temple is going to be quiet—perfect for a bunch of ne’er-do-wells to sneak in, grab the reliquary, plus what treasure they can fill their pockets with, and sneak out again. And if they are successful, have the Overlord owe them a favour when they get home!

What follows from this great set-up, is a solid enough dungeon for the Player Characters to explore and plunder, although this time, they will be mostly sneaking their way through its various rooms and corridors. The various locations only number twenty, split between above and below ground, and are all nicely detailed. Never once does the reader and thus players when it is run, not get the feeling that the characters are in a grubby, rat-infested, and rat-themed temple. Signs of the Rat God are everywhere, including manipulation of some worshippers to be more rat-like. They include berserkers partially altered altered through ghastly surgery and worse to believe they are rats and a very nasty Catacomb Guardian, a ghost of what appears to be a tortured priest of the Rat God with the chittering heads of rats sown into his eyes and mouth, that still protects the catacombs. There is a random chance that he will appear, but if he does, he is a very difficult monster to defeat. There are several traps too, to catch the unwary, and the final encounter has a nice sense of energy to it, although a very agile Player Character may be able to get past it. Throughout, there are suggestions adjusting the threats and challenges for a smaller party of Player Characters.

The adventure is concluded with details of how the Player Characters might escape from the temple and what form their possible rewards might take if they return to Lankhmar with the Hand of St. Heveskin. Full details of the Hand of St. Heveskin are provided in the scenario’s first appendix.
All together, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar is a short adventure that should take no longer than a session to complete and the criminal nature of the Player Characters means that it is easy to set-up and inset into a campaign using the Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set. Interestingly, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar began life as a special adventure for the winners of the Lankhmar Trivia Contest held in 2015 and then played at Gen Con 2015. Which means that it actually predates the release of Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set by two years! All ten questions from that trivia contest are included in the scenario’s second appendix, along with their answers.

Physically, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar is well presented. The artwork is good, having a suitably rattish, grubby feel to it. The cartography is rather plain, if workable.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #11: The Rats of Ilthmar is a scenario with a great set-up and potentially great rewards for the Player Characters. In between, it is solidly themed heist which the players can enjoy without having to win a trivia contest.

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