Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1 contains four adventures by noted contributors to the Old School Renaissance. The first three consist of dungeons designed for Player Characters ranging from First to Third Level, whilst the fourth is that rare creation, a high-Level adventure for Old School Essentials, in this case, Ninth Level. It is also different in that it is a hexcrawl adventure and not a dungeon, and it takes the Player Characters somewhere surprisingly odd. This means that in comparison to the other three adventures, it is not quite as east to add to a campaign. The first two adventures require an urban environment.
The anthology opens with ‘The Jeweler’s Sanctum’ by Giuseppe Rotondo. It is designed for Player Characters of First to Third Level and opens with them being hired to investigate the secret workshop of a long-dead jeweller-magician by his grandson who has been by the strange emanating from the complex. He cannot pay, but he will let them take whatever treasure they find as recompense. It actually has multiple sources of noise that the Player Characters have to deal with in their exploration of the workshop. The complex has the rundown feel of somewhere abandoned for decades and despite consisting of just seventeen locations, it has lots of detail and lots of things for the Player Characters to look at and examine. There are some interesting and inventive magical items to be found in the process, like the Glove Of Curse Detection, which detects cursed rings and several items which aid magical research. In the long term, these are very powerful items for any Wizard in the party. Another nice touch is that there are no active threats in dungeon, although there are plenty of dangers. The Player Characters will often be able to make plenty of progress through talking rather than rushing into danger.
It is followed by Glynn Seal’s rather unpleasant ‘Curse of the Maggot God’. Designed for Player Characters of Second and Third Level. This is a sewer crawl, slightly linear in nature—especially if the Player Characters follow the drag marks—which begins with the Player Characters being hired by the Guild of Sewermen to enter a recently opened up set of tunnels and rescue a guildsman who has been lost inside. Inside, they find the cellars, all that remains of an ancient villa, almost Roman in style, occupied by the worshippers of a vile creature they believe to be a god. Rot and decay permeate the whole of the complex, and whilst there is treasure to be found, it is either distasteful or requires rooting around in muck to find it. This is more of an extended encounter than a full scenario and probably the easiest to add to a campaign, though in comparison to the other adventures feels sparse and even underwritten.
Brad Kerr’s ‘The Sunbathers’ is for Third Level Player Characters. If ‘Curse of the Maggot God’ had a slightly Roman feel with its cellar of a villa setting, then ‘The Sunbathers’ is more of a Greek island with a temple and strange cult which has harpies in oversized cloaks as orderlies! The Player Characters are hired to travel to Fos Imeras Island, famous for its healing, perhaps because nothing has been heard from the island in quite some time or because the champion Orsilochus has vanished and was known to be heading there. Once ashore, the Player Characters find men and women blissfully and all but mindlessly sunbathing on the island’s beaches whilst tended to by white-frocked attendants, whilst inside they will find patients catatonic, mindlessly playing instruments, violently playing with children’s toys, and the like. The island then, has been turned into a sanatorium for the insane, its patients and staff a contrasting mix of the silent and the savage, with the staff also accompanied by their lion protectors. If there is downside to the scenario it is that the fate of the former staff is never explored and neither are what happens after the Player Characters visit. Nevertheless, the situation is creepy and unsettling, not unlike a scenario for Call of Cthulhu, ‘The Sunbathers’ being a very quiet horror scenario.
The fourth and last entry in Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1 is as different from the first three as it is possible to be. ‘The Comet that Time Forgot’ is a mini-hexcrawl for Player Characters of Ninth Level by D. M. Wilson and Sarah Brunt. As the title suggests this is a ‘lost world’ style adventure a la Edgar Rice Burroughs or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but also X1 Isle of Dread, but one set on a comet travelling through space. The comet is actually an ark for dying world, comprised of icy mountains and forests at one end, volcano strewn deserts and mountains at the other, with mountains, jungle, and swamp in between. Numerous species live on the comet, including Fire Giants and Ice Giants, Red Dragons and White Dragons, dinosaurs of all types, Neanderthals, White Apes, and more. Thousands of years have passed since their ancestors left their home world and they have long forgotten that they are searching for a new one.
When they arrive via the Portal of Time and Space—the only way off the comet—the Player Characters encounter the Neanderthals in their metropolis of ice and grey stone and discover that they have tasks that perhaps the Player Characters can fulfil. One is to cleanse the Neanderthals’ ancient Necropolis of the White Dragons that have taken up residence there and the other is to rescue the Neanderthals’ leader’s daughter being held prisoner by the Fire Giants. However, when the Player Characters go to the lands of the Fire Giants at the other end of the comet, they learn that the Fire Giants are also having a problem with Red Dragons. There are various different factions across the three zones on the comet, but all of them have similar quests, such as having deal with dangerous beast of some kind, rescuing one of their number held prisoner by another faction, and so on. Consequently, there is a degree of circularity—and similarity—in the way in which the various factions and their quests connect to each other.
The scenario can be played out in a leisurely pace, or the Game Master can add a degree of urgency by having the comet be in imminent danger of collapse. Similarly, the Player Characters can follow the quests or simply explore the comet in true hexcrawl fashion, or more likely, a combination of the two. Ultimately, the primary aim of the Player Characters is to get off the comet via the Portal of Time and Space, but in the process they will change the societies on the comet, so the Game Master had best be prepared for that. Overall, ‘The Comet that Time Forgot’ packs a lot of adventure into its pages, enabling the Player Characters to explore a whole world in a few sessions.
Physically, the Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1 is very cleanly and tidily laid out and organised as you would expect for a title for Old-School Essentials. Notably, the content is split between columns of content and almost sidebars where the monster and NPC stats are highlighted in coloured boxes. Colour is used to spot effect throughout, whilst the maps are excellent. The full colour artwork is also good.
The Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1 contains four good adventures, three of which—the first three—the Game Master is most likely to use as they are for low Level Player Characters and the easiest to use. Of the four, the very first, ‘The Jeweler’s Sanctum’ is the best, full of detail and flavour and with an emphasis on exploration and interaction rather than combat, whilst the third, ‘The Sunbathers’ is quietly creepy and unsettling.