Death Test actually consists of two adventures—‘Death Test’ and ‘Death Test 2’—both originally published as MicroQuest 1: Death Test and MicroQuest 1: Death Test 2 in 1980. The new, combined edition comes in a box which contains the two adventures and some sixty-six new counters. Both require the map from Melee and can either be played using just Melee or a combination of Melee and Wizard. Both can also be played in a number of ways. They can be played solo, one player or several players against the adventure, instructions being included in the text as to how any monsters or NPCs will react to the player characters. They can be played with a Game Master controlling and rolling for the monsters and NPCs, whether is with just one player or several. They are designed to be played by between one and four characters. Ideally, these should not be beginning characters, but unfortunately ‘Death Test’ does not say how experienced the player characters should be. In addition, although having more characters in play will provide more tactical options—especially if they include a wizard, they do reduce each character’s final score at the end of the test. If they get to the end of the test, that is. In this way, ‘Death Test’ sets its own difficulty. It is easier with more characters, but the rewards will be less.
The background to ‘Death
Test’ has the character—or characters—travelling to the city of Ardonirane,
which is ruled by the famous and powerful war leader, Dhallak m’Thorsz Carn. He
is once again hiring mercenaries, but will accept only those that pass a test—enter
the labyrinth beneath his palace and there fight animals, monsters, prisoners, wizards,
and rival would-be employees—and survive! Although there is treasure to be
found, what matters to Thorsz is the mercenary’s or mercenaries’ performance. The
more foes they defeat or kill, the more they will rank in his estimation and
the higher position they will attain in his army.
The labyrinth
consists of twelve colour coded rooms connected by a series of corridors. There
are no doors, but entrances and exits are marked by black curtains, or rather black
magical illusions which the player characters can sometimes pass through and
others not, but which they can never see through. This means that in order to
find out what is in a room, one or more of the player characters must enter said
room. Most of the time, they can leave the way they came. Each room then is its
own discrete encounter and with just a dozen of them, it allows for variety of denizens
and challenges. ‘Death Test’ is not a dungeon in the traditional roleplaying
sense though, the focus being more on combat—as the background suggests—than
exploring, finding traps, and so on. Nor is it really a roleplaying adventure, a
‘programmed adventure’ certainly, but not a roleplaying adventure as there is very
little, if any, roleplaying involved. That said, run ‘Death Test’ with a Game
Master and one or more players and then there are opportunities for the Game
Master to roleplay and bring some of the NPCs to life and thus for the player
characters to interact with them rather than fighting them.
Consisting of
one-hundred-and-sixty-seven entries over seventeen or so pages, there is a
greater physicality to ‘Death Test’ in comparison to other solo adventure titles.
This not surprising though, for Death Test is an expansion for a man-to-man combat
game. So instead of sitting down and reading through a book and rolling dice as
necessary, this is definitely an at the table affair with the map, the counters,
and the dice in front of you. In further comparison with those other solo
adventure books, ‘Death Test’ has a greater replayability factor. Only score
enough points to get hired as a recruit? Well, why not try again to see if you
can attain a better position or try it with a different mix of characters?
The background to ‘Death Test 2’ is that Dhallak m’Thorsz Carn is unimpressed with the candidates to join his army who succeeded at getting through the labyrinth in ‘Death Test’. So he has another built, one which is more involving and more challenging. Consisting of some two-hundred-and-eighty-seven entries over thirty-six pages, ‘Death Test 2’ only adds a few more rooms in comparison to ‘Death Test’. The increased number of entries allow for more detail, more things to happen, and more things for the characters to do. There are traps and puzzles, a greater range of monsters to encounter and magical items to find, players will find their characters tested in other ways than combat—‘Death Test 2’ includes the need to make Saving Throws. This is a richer environment for them to explore and no mere complex of arenas to enter and fight in. This does not mean that ‘Death Test 2’ is not a combat focused adventure—it very much is—but it is written far more like a traditional solo roleplaying adventure and presents a richer playing environment, so is far more engaging.
Physically, both ‘Death Test’ and ‘Death Test 2’ are plain, simple booklets with paper covers. Behind the full colour covers, they are black and white throughout. Each is lightly illustrated, but the artwork is excellent throughout.
Of course, of the two, ‘Death Test 2’ is better than ‘Death Test’. It is more detailed and offers more options than just combat, plus it supports more roleplaying, especially if Into the Labyrinth is being used. On the downside, because it has more secrets to be found, it is not as readily replayable. In other words, there is less of the simple board game to its play than there is in ‘Death Test’. Yet ‘Death Test’ should not be discounted. Its simplicity means that it can more readily be replayed, and it is easier to both set up and play. At its very simplest, ‘Death Test’ provides a reason to play Melee and/or Wizard than just fights in an arena.
Death Test is a good combination boxed set, presenting two solo adventures of differing complexity and detail that offer a great deal of flexibility in terms of their set-up and play options. More so than traditional solo adventures. If you have Melee and/or Wizard, then you should put yourself through the Death Test—both of them.
The Game system is quick, simple and fantastic.
ReplyDeleteSuch an Amazing Time getting to bring in New Players to TFT. Been playing TFT since the 70's and now even more players can play one of the best Pen and paper classic role playing games ever made.