Every Week It's Wibbley-Wobbley Timey-Wimey Pookie-Reviewery...

Sunday, 29 December 2024

1994: Walker in the Wastes

1974 is an important year for the gaming hobby. It is the year that Dungeons & Dragons was introduced, the original RPG from which all other RPGs would ultimately be derived and the original RPG from which so many computer games would draw for their inspiration. It is fitting that the current owner of the game, Wizards of the Coast, released the new version, Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition, in the year of the game’s fortieth anniversary, and the new edition of that, Dungeons & Dragons, 2024, in the year of the game’s fiftieth anniversary. To celebrate this, Reviews from R’lyeh will be running a series of reviews from the hobby’s anniversary years, thus there will be reviews from 1974, from 1984, from 1994, and from 2004—the thirtieth, twentieth, and tenth anniversaries of the titles. These will be retrospectives, in each case an opportunity to re-appraise interesting titles and true classics decades on from the year of their original release.


Walker in the Wastes is a campaign published by Pagan Publishing in 1994. It was the first of the three campaigns from the publisher, all of which would be designed and written by John H. Crowe III. Designed for use with Call of Cthulhu, Fifth Edition, it is a grand campaign in true Call of Cthulhu style, that will take the Investigators from arctic Canada to Alaska and beyond to the remotest part of northern Japan, New Jersey, and New York state, and from there to the North Pole, with a corollary that culminates in Iraq. It is an ambitious, bruising campaign that is well organised and supported, but which is best run by an experienced Keeper and best played with players who have some experience of Call of Cthulhu under their belts. There is a Pulp sensibility to the campaign in that it involves flight and airships, but Walker in the Wastes is not a Pulp-style campaign. Further, it differs in terms of set-up, rationale, and radically, in terms of the Great Old One the Investigators will face and the plans of the cultists devoted to him, that they must thwart. This is Ithaqua, the ‘Death-Walker’ or ‘Wind-Walker’, a Great Old One who has appeared in many a scenario for Call of Cthulhu, especially rural or wilderness scenarios, but only once, here in the pages of Walker in the Wastes has he been of the subject of a campaign. Running from Saturday, 10th November 1928 to Sunday, 21st December, 1930 (and beyond), Walker in the Wastes details the attempts by the Cult of Ithaqua to fly from various points around the world and congregate at the North Pole where the cult will free its master from the Temple of the Winds in which the Elder Gods bound the Great Old One in times beyond imagining.

“In 1848 the Franklin Expedition vanished in the ice searching for the Northwest Passage. Eighty years later, you and your associates travel to Northern Canada to research the disaster - and find yourselves launched in a globe-spanning race to defeat the terrible god of the icy wastes. Hundreds of hours of research have gone into creating the most realistic 1920s campaign ever. Japanese gangsters, Iraqi archaeological digs, secret airships, and a legend older than humanity serve to challenge even the most experienced of CoC players. Walker in the Wastes is a huge campaign of discovery and horror, and is suggested for experienced Keepers.”

—Back cover blurb, Walker in the Wastes, Pagan Publishing, 1994

Walker in the Wastes has a strict set-up that means that as campaign it cannot easily be run with Investigator types typically found in Call of Cthulhu. Here they are anthropologists, archaeologists, artists and photographers, botanists, geologists, physicians, and zoologists, as well as guides, employed by the University of Toronto and the Canadian government to live and work on a base in the Arctic in the Northwest Territories. This is on the Adelaide Peninsula, near King William Island. This is near the location of some of the remains of members of the Franklin Expedition, the British Royal Navy’s infamous expedition to discover the Northwest Passage which disappeared in 1848. Now unlike the back cover blurb of the campaign suggests, the expedition is not stationed on the Adelaide Peninsula to specifically investigate the remains of the Franklin Expedition. This does not mean that the expedition and its fate will not play a role in the campaign, but rather it is not and should not be the focus of the campaign.

The campaign itself opens with a prologue, ‘The Dead of Winter’. Set in November 1928, the Investigators have already been on Adelaide Peninsula for over a year and the only excitement to date has been the rescue attempt of the crew of the Italia, a second polar airship commanded by the Italian explorer, Umberto Nobile. This changes when two of their fellow expedition members return to the base with the frozen corpses of two Inuit men, both badly mauled. What got their interest is that it is clear that neither man was attacked by a wolf or polar bear. Could they have been attacked by an unknown Arctic predator? Talking with the local Inuit reveals that they believe that the creature responsible for the deaths is a supernatural creature known as a ‘Yiige’, which has awakened to hunt again after many years dormant. Pushing for further information reveals that two particular clans might know more, the Red Caribou clan and the Blue Seal clan, but that the Blue Seal clan attacked the Red Caribou clan recently and all but wiped it out! Taking an active interest in either clan will push the story forward and lead to further discoveries. Most obviously that there is a monster lose on the ice—the dread Gnoph-Keh—and that despite what the rational, scientific minds of the Investigators would believe, that magic is real. The latter discovery is important as it will open up the minds of the Investigators later in the campaign as to the scope of what they face and potentially, prepare them to arm themselves with that magic to use against the cult and its plans.

‘The Dead of Winter’ will end in a chilly confrontation in the snow and ice of King William Island with the vile Blue Seal clan and the awful Gnoph-Keh. The nature of the environment and the advantages that the Blue Seal clan and the Gnoph-Keh have as compared to those of the Investigators make the scenario quite a physical challenge. Defeating both does not mark the end of the expedition, nor necessarily the very end of the scenario. There are some loose ends to wrap up, but otherwise, ‘The Dead of Winter’ could actually be run as a scenario all by itself, without the need to run the full campaign. However, where would the fun be in that? What it does do, is lay the groundwork for what is come and open the eyes of both the players and their Investigators as to the dangers to come.

The campaign proper begins with ‘Into the Realm of the Wind-walker’ after the Investigators have returned to Toronto. Having completed their reports and debriefings for their employer, the Investigators are approached by Doctor Alfred Barrowman, an archaeologist, who has heard reports of a creature similar to the one encountered by the Investigators and worshiped by local cultists, but in Alaska. He wants to hire them and join him on an expedition to investigate. Amidst tales of missing hunters and surveyors and government disinterest, the Investigators will likely make an amazing scientific discovery and come across the first hints that what they encountered in Canada was not an isolated situation. The big questions are, why there is a secret air base deep in the Alaskan forest and what are its highly armed occupants planning to do their aircraft? By the end of this investigation, the Investigators should have learned that the cult has many branches, that December 1930 is an important date to the cult, and that all of the major branches are preparing to fly to the North Pole for this date. The Investigators will also have gained Doctor Barrowman as sponsor, thus funding their efforts to save the world.

At this point, Walker in the Wastes opens up and the Investigators can tackle any of the newly discovered locations—the Kurile Islands in Japan and Camden, New Jersey, back in the USA—in any order. Unlike in Alaska, where government indifference and lack of awareness combined with the isolated location of the cult’s base make it relatively easy to deal with, the sites in Japan and the USA are much harder to deal with. The Kurile Islands are isolated, but the Investigators face a language barrier, a government with a distrust of foreigners that has also been bought off, and a nearby Japanese naval base. Conversely, the base in Camden, New Jersey is in a public location, a shipyard on the Delaware River across from Philadelphia. Further, the airship being constructed there and the expedition to the North Pole are both public knowledge and sponsored by the United States Navy, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Howard Hughes! Of course, the involvement of the cult is not. Although the situations and the challenges are different for each base, the Investigators are essentially attempting the same thing each time. Finding out about the base, scouting the base, infiltrating the base, and ultimately, finding a way to sabotage the activities of the cult and the aeroplanes and airships its members are building. One of the discoveries that the Investigator will probably make in the Camden, New Jersey base is that the cult has a fifth, secret base, this time in Camden, New York state! Its secret nature makes it easier to tackle than the bases for Camden, New Jersey and the Kurile Islands.

Ultimately, the Investigators will join in the flight by the cultists to the North Pole for the Winter Solstice of 1930 where the Temple of the Winds will manifest and they will attempt to break the Great Seal inside which has kept Ithaqua from doing no more than visiting the world’s northern climes for aeons. This has the scope to be a grand, bruising finale, on a scale with the Rising of the Island of R’lyeh in The Shadows of Yog-Sothoth—with the Investigators facing multiple, often well-armed cultists—both in terms of materiel and magic. There is the possibility of aerial combat too if the Investigators have armed their means of transport. If the Investigators travel via King William Island, there is the possibility that as they travel north, they make a startling discovery—the Erebus and the Terror—the two lost vessels from the Franklin Expedition. Should they land and investigate, this leads to a memorable encounter aboard the Erebus (as depicted on the front cover) and although optional, this is a pleasing callback to the Investigators’ original expedition as detailed in the prologue.

Although it may seem that the campaign ends with the thwarting of the cult’s plans and ideally, the prevention of the cult’s attempt to break the Great Seal in the Temple of the Winds and free Ithaqua, it is only a preclimax to Walker in the Wastes. Having stopped an attempt once, the focus of the campaign switches to finding a more permanent solution. One of the aspects of Walker in the Wastes is that air gods are found in multiple pantheons in cultures around the world, some of which appear in the campaign and seen as avatars of Ithaqua. One of these is Enill, the Sumerian and Babylonian ‘storm god’ and ‘chief demon’ who was in possession of the Tablets of Destiny. If they are real and if they can be found, perhaps their reputed great powers can be used to prevent the cult from returning to the Temple of the Winds and making further attempts to break the Great Seal? Unfortunately, the cult is also aware of the existence of the Tablets of Destiny and not only wants to obtain them to prevent from falling into the Investigators’ possession, but also to use them to its own ends.

Where Walker in the Wastes was a race to prevent the Cult of Ithaqua from getting to the North Pole and the Temple of the Winds, now it becomes a race to find, study, and utilise the Tablets of Destiny. If the race to the North Pole was dangerous because the environments and the dedication of the cultists, it now becomes deadly as the cultists possess a hatred of the Investigators and more readily and openly move against them. Previously, the cult was more careful, not wanting to bring attention to itself and its plans, which were, of course, its true focus. The points to the nature of the Cult of Ithaqua and its members. Most are devoted members and fervently want to see Ithaqua freed, but they are not evil per se and do not wish mankind great ill. Of course, by any standards, they are all insane, and of course, there are members, such as the infamous Reinhold Blair (named after the late artist, Blair Reynolds, who are actually evil and he in particular, will take great delight in enacting his revenge upon the Investigators and their associates (if he still lives by then).

Thematically and mechanically, this switch in the campaign is challenging, since its focus changes from northern climes and the Arctic and the often-physical difficulties posed, to warmer environs and a more traditional style of Call of Cthulhu that Investigators may not be suited to if they have survived thus far. One skill required here is the ability to read Sumerian Cuneiform and unless there is replacement Investigator at any point after the Investigators were at the North Pole, they will have to rely on a translator. (One is provided, but he is old, doddery, and incredibly cantankerous. Great for the Keeper to roleplay, but only adding to the Investigators’ woes.) In true classic Call of Cthulhu style, the Investigators have the opportunity to conduct research at the British Museum in London and learn what they can about Ancient Mesopotamia. Obtaining the Tablets of Destiny will potentially involve a trip to a cult-sponsored dig in Iraq and if the Investigators failed at the North Pole, a terrible encounter with Ithaqua, and to the current resting place of the Tablets of Destiny in southern Turkey. Here, there is likely to be tussle between the Investigators and the cultists for possession of the artefacts, spoiled potentially by the obvious interest of the Turkish government, but more likely by the presence of an ancient Serpentman sorcerer entombed at the same location and who is likely to be awoken by the digging at the site.

‘Day of Reckoning’, the actual climax to Walker in the Wastes takes place in British Columbia, back in Canada. Here the likelihood is that the cultists have possession of the Tablets of Destiny given their muscle and the Investigators will have chased back across the Atlantic and North America. There the Investigators have a chance to foil the Cult of Ithaqua once again—and if not permanently—then long enough for almost nobody alive in 1930 to worry about… (That said, if the climate suddenly gets a lot colder from December 2031 onwards…) It does involve making a terrible moral choice though, one that in some ways makes the Investigators as bad as the cultists, but for the greater good…?

Walker in the Wastes includes three separate scenarios, interludes intended as red herrings. ‘Chirihoi’ takes place in Japan and is set on the island of the same name, and is intended to distract the Investigators whilst they investigate the cult’s base in the Kurile Islands and ‘The Osbrook House’ is a supposed haunted house mystery set in Camden, New Jersey. Neither has any connection to the campaign’s main plot and certainly in the case of ‘The Osbrook House’ feel out of place as part of the campaign. The third interlude, ‘The Monolith’, is connected to the campaign—if only slightly—and is an actual red herring. It does involve a cult dedicated to Ithaqua and is a classic rural cult Call of Cthulhu scenario set in Scotland.

Walker in the Wastes is incredibly well supported. The campaign is given a good overview and the aims and motivations of the Cult of Ithaqua is clearly explained and accompanied by good advice. The resources include details of the Wind-Walker, his associated magics—many of which the Investigators have an opportunity to learn, an examination of Ithaqua in multiple different cultures and his role as a god of the air, associated legends, a guide to the Inuit and Inuit mysticism (which is treated with respect), the Arctic environment and survival in the region, and airships and aerial combat. There are then new spells such as Banish Gnoph-Keh and Chill of the Wendigo, and new skills like Boating, Botany, Cartography, Forensics, and Land Navigation and Sea/Air Navigation. Plus, there is background to the Franklin Expedition, which of course, is what would have been as much as was known about its fate in 1994.

Every chapter and scenario includes an introduction and an outline at the start and a list of Sanity rewards and penalties along with the NPC stats at the end. In between, each chapter or scenario is well presented and organised and accompanied with advice as needed. Rounding out Walker in the Wastes is a Miscellany of ‘Player Aids’ which collates all of the campaign’s handouts, though not all of the maps. Indeed, the campaign is lacking versions of many of the maps suitable for the Keeper to give to her players. There is also a lengthy bibliography which showcases how deep the research the author conducted in creating the campaign. Lastly, an engaging afterword by the author explains how the campaign came to be and how it was developed and written.

Physically Walker in the Wastes looks amazing. The campaign is well written and presented, the maps clear and easy to use, and there is a good index at the end. However, the artwork is incredible, black and white, but reversed shadows, giving the campaign a twilight look of foreboding and distrust.


Walker in the Wastes was not extensively reviewed at the time of its release. It was a ‘Pyramid Pick’ by Scott Haring in Pyramid Number 12 (March/April 1995). He said, “You don’t know when a Pagan product  is going to come out, but when it does, you’re usually in for a treat.” before continuing, “Walker in the Wastes is certainly no exception. A massive 200+ page book, Walker is the first major campaign for CoC that Pagan has ever published. Author John Crowe claims that four years of writing and research went into Walker, and it shows. Walker in the Wastes immediately zooms to the top of the list as one of the finest Call of Cthulhu campaigns ever produced.”

Earl P. Thatony (surely a pseudonym) reviewed it in ‘Reviews’ in Shadis Issue #26 (April 1996). He warned that, “Player need to keep sharp, think about what’s going on, and ask the right questions or they’ll get nowhere. There are some vexing (and possibly deadly) red herrings waiting for them, and even the best groups might, and even the beat groups might get tripped up. The GM needs to be top of things as well. There are several warnings in the introductory pages about the complexity of the scenario and the need for the GM to not just read, but study the campaign. These warnings need to be taken to heart, but rest assured the effort will pay off.” However, he concluded on a positive note, saying, “Walker in the Wastes is an amazing product. It’s organised, tremendously well-researched, engrossing, and fun to read. Anyone interested in running a mega campaign is advised to take a closer look at it, as it’s a fantastic example of how to do a project right. For the GM and players who are willing to spend the time it provide months of entertainment.”


Walker in the Wastes is great campaign, with a grandeur that showcases both what a highly thematic campaign can be like and the potential of Ithaqua as global threat as never before. At times, with its themes of the Arctic and aeronautics, it can feel Pulpy, but it never lets up on the brutality of the story and the awful aims of the cultists, who with a few notable exceptions, are portrayed as human beings rather than monsters. Above all, Walker in the Wastes is a demanding campaign, for both the Keeper and her players, requiring a great of deal of preparation upon the part of the former and some adjustment in play style from the latter. There are some great moments in the campaign, such as the battle in the snow against the Blue Seal clan, the flight to the North Pole, the return of Ithaqua to Mesopotamia should the Investigators have failed at the Temple of the Winds, and that last, final, agonising choice… Throughout, Keeper and player alike will be challenged by Walker in the Wastes from start to finish, and if their Investigators succeed, they will have done something truly heroic and had an incredible experience doing so.


Sadly, Walker in the Wastes is a lost campaign. It has been out of print for over two decades and is currently unlikely to be reprinted or made available in electronic format.

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