In January 2012, Wizards of the Coast announced that it was
working on the next version of Dungeons & Dragons and that it would take
two years’ worth of development time. So whilst the hobby waited to see what
D&D Next or ‘Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition’ would look like, it
left a gap at the top of the hobby because for intents and purposes, the game,
in the form of Dungeons & Dragons, Fourth Edition, was redundant. This is not to say that the
style of play that Dungeons & Dragons offered went away. After all, PaizoPublishing’s Pathfinder Roleplaying Game was and continues to be popular, and
there are of course any number of ‘Retroclones’ that Dungeons & Dragons
style play based on older variants of the rules, most notably Labyrinth Lord
and Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Roleplaying. More recently
Pelgrane Press has given the style of play a contemporary update with 13th Age.
In 2012 the update to this style of play was offered by Goodman Games in the
form of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, an ‘Old School’ style nod
to the literary sources for the original Dungeons & Dragons.
By 2012, Goodman Games was no stranger to the ‘Old School’
style, having published in nine years some fifty or so titles for its Dungeon
Crawl Classics line, starting in 2003 with Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of
the Rat King. What each entry in the series provided was a scenario in the
classic sense, as published by TSR in the first ten years of its history,
scenarios in which the adventures itself mattered more than the setting and the
NPCs were primarily there for the slaughter than the scintillating
socialisation. Yet by 2012, the series had stalled, its quality suffering
primarily from a new rules system that seemed ill-suited to its intended style,
but then by 2012, critics had long been wondering what type of game Dungeons
& Dragons, Fourth Edition was suited to. The Dungeon Crawl Classics Role
Playing Game offered a chance to reinvigorate the line and the concept. The
resulting game was and is not a ‘Retroclone’ in the classic sense – one that
sets out to emulate a particular set of rules; it is instead a d20 System RPG
that goes back to the inspirational source for the original Dungeons &
Dragons – the legendary ‘Appendix N’.
Penned by Gary Gygax as part of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for Advanced
Dungeons & Dragons, First Edition, ‘Appendix N’ was a list of Science
Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror authors that inspired the innumerable elements
that made up Dungeons & Dragons, whether it was Fritz Leiber’s thieves or
Jack Vance’s magic and spells, or Robert E. Howard’s corruptive influence of
magic. From this basis, author Joseph Goodman has developed an RPG that uses
the same basis for its rules as the d20 System, but one that sits somewhere
between Basic Dungeons & Dragons and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in
terms of its complexity.
To get into what the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role PlayingGame is about, you need to start at the beginning and in the Dungeon Crawl
Classics Role Playing Game, that means playing Zero Level characters. Playing
characters of Zero Level in Dungeons & Dragons is nothing new. It was done by
TSR in 1986 with N1, Treasure Hunt and then again in 1987 with N5, Under
Ilefarn, and then in 2005 by Goodman Games in Dungeon Crawl Classics #0: Legends
are Made, not Born. Here each player takes the role of not one Zero Level
character, but several, each a serf or peasant looking beyond a life tied to
the fields and the seasons or the forge and the hammer, looking to prove
themselves and perhaps progress enough to become a skilled adventurer and
eventually make a name for themselves. Unfortunately, delving into tombs and
the lairs of both men and beasts is a risky venture and death is all but a
certainty for the lone delver… In numbers, there is the chance that one or more
will survive long enough to go onto greater things! This is what the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game terms a ‘Character Creation Funnel’.
Characters in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game,
just like in Dungeons & Dragons, have six Abilities – Strength, Agility,
Stamina, Personality, Intelligence, and Luck, each rolled on three six-sided
dice. These are rolled in strict order, because after all, life in the world of
the ‘Known Realms’ or Aéreth, that of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing
Game, is something of a lottery. That includes not just his basic Hit Points –
rolled on a single four-sided die, but also the Zero Level character’s
occupation, which will also determine his race, a weapon, and a possession
related to his occupation. For example, this could be a cheesemaker with his
cudgel and stinky cheese or an animal trainer with his club and pony, but it
could be an Elven navigator with his bow and spyglass or a Dwarven chest-maker
with his chisel and his 10 lbs. weight of wood. For in the Dungeon Crawl Classics
Role Playing Game, just as in the original Dungeons & Dragons and Basic
Dungeons & Dragons, the races Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings are Classes as
much as they are species.
Our sample character is a Halfling Gypsy who seeing no
future in reading fortunes has run away from the circus. He is a healthy fellow
somewhat lacking in the wits or nimbleness that marks out many of his race.
Sadly, his grandmother has read Milo’s fortune, but his Luck may still out…
Milo Tosscobble
Zero Level Halfling Gypsy
STR 12 AGL 7 (-1) STM 15 (+1)
PER 12 INT 7 (-1) LCK 15 (+1)
Hit Points: 5
Saving Throws
Fortitude +1 Reflex -1 Willpower +0
Birth Augur: Four-leafed Clover
Luck Benefit: Secret Doors
Weapon: Sling (1d4)
Equipment: Hex Doll
Of the six core Abilities, Luck is the one that needs the
most explanation. It is used for various different skill checks and rolls, for
each character’s single Luck Benefit – for example, in the case of Milo, to
find Secret Doors – and can even be burned to gain a one-off bonus. The latter
though is a permanent use and any Luck lost in this fashion can only be
regained by a player roleplaying his character to his Alignment. The Luck bonus
also applies to critical hit, fumble, and corruption rolls as well as various
Class-based rolls. For example, the Elf receives it as a bonus one single spell
and a Warrior to a single weapon such as a longsword or a war hammer. Further,
both the Thief and the Halfling Classes are exceptionally lucky. Not only are
their Luck bonuses doubled when they burn Luck, they actually regain Luck each
day equal to their Level. In addition, if a party has a Halfling amongst its
numbers that Halfling can pass his expended Luck to other members of the party!
So once a Zero Level has been on an adventure or three and acquired
enough Experience Points, he can advance to First Level. It only takes ten Experience
Points, with an average of two points being awarded per encounter, rather than
per monster killed or item of treasure being looted. It should also be pointed
out that the Experience Points progression needed to reach Second and
subsequent Levels has been substantially streamlined and simplified for ease of
play. Human characters can advance from Zero Level into one of the four Classes
– Cleric, Thief, Warrior, and Wizard, whilst the demi-humans advance into the
Class appropriate to the Occupation rolled during character creation, the Elf
Class for Elves, the Dwarf Class for Dwarves, and the Halfling Class for
Halflings. Each Class feels very much the Classic version seen in, for example,
Basic Dungeons & Dragons, but with sufficient tweaks that make each – and thus
the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game – more interesting to play than
those of Basic Dungeons & Dragons.
The Cleric must choose a god and matching Alignment and
weapons training – which includes the Neutral deity Cthulhu if the player wants
his character to be a Priest of the Old Ones! – and in return gains clerical or
Idol Magic, can Turn creatures unholy to his god, and can Lay on Hands. The
latter includes the ability to heal broken limbs, organ damage, disease,
poison, and more – rather just heal Hit Points. It is possible for a Cleric to
gain the disapproval of his god and even sin, this including the healing of a
character of an opposing Alignment or faith. Thieves are relatively little
changed, although their skills – Backstab, Sneak Silently, Hide in Shadows, and
so on – are done as a bonus to the RPG’s universal d20 System skills mechanic
rather than as percentiles. The skill values and their progression also vary
depending upon whether the Thief is Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. The Warrior receives
one single new ability, that of being able to undertake ‘Mighty Deeds of Arms’.
Need to sweep an opponent off the stairs or swing on a chandelier to kick a mob
down or throw a flask of flaming oil into the eyes of a basilisk? With the
simplicity of the Mighty Deed of Arms mechanic, a Warrior can. Wizards of
course cast magic spells, but their initial spells are randomly known and they
also are encouraged to take a patron, like Bobugbublilz, demon lord of
amphibians or Sezrekan the Elder, the wickedest of sorcerers, whom they can
also invoke to gain powerful, but dangerous magic.
The Dwarf is like the Warrior and can match that Class’ Mighty Deed of Arms,
but in addition gains a random bonus to each attack and do a bash attack with
his shield. The Elf is susceptible to iron and so must use mithril arms and
armour, and can use many martial weapons as well as cast spells, but must work
closely with an extra planar patron to do so. Lastly, the Halfling, as well as
being intrinsically lucky, is also stealthy and capable of using two weapons
together in a fight. There are lots of elements in these takes upon the classic
character Classes that add both a mechanical benefit and flavour. The addition
of the Mighty Deed of Arms not only gives the Warrior an edge, but also gives
the player room to develop his character’s style of play and match it to his
weaponry; the Cleric gets to both role-play and ‘roll-play’ his faith; and in
both cases, the Dwarf and Halfling Classes are far more capable than the
classic versions of either Class. In addition, each of the Human Classes, bar
the Wizard since the pursuit of magic is a solitary affair, are each given a
pair of pages devoted to suggested backgrounds and organisations for those
Classes that add further flavour.
To undertake an action, a player rolls an Action Die and
adds to the result any of his character’s Attribute bonuses, Luck bonus, and
Level bonuses that apply. This is usually against the base Difficulty Class of
ten, with difficulties raising or falling by five. This also applies to Spell
Checks for Clerics, Wizards, and Elves, and also to combat, although the target
in combat in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game is an ascending
Armour Class. In most cases, the Action Die is a twenty-sided die, but this can
change. For example, as a gypsy, Milo might have a way with ponies that allows
him to make a skill check using a twenty-sided die as his Action Die to
determine the health and value of any pony that he wants to purchase. Were he to
attempt to illuminate a forged manuscript, he would only roll a ten-sided die
as his Action Die – and that is in addition to the penalties he would suffer to
the roll for his lack of skill!
Where Dungeons & Dragons and other games of its ilk use
the usual polyhedral panoply – the four, the six, the eight, the ten, the
twelve, and the twenty-sided die, the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
employs another seven in addition to those standard six. These are the three,
the five, the seven, the fourteen, the sixteen, the twenty-four, and the
thirty-sided dice. These are arranged in a ladder or ‘dice-chain’ that goes up
from the twenty-sided die to the twenty-four-sided die and then to the thirty-sided,
and down from the twenty-sided die to the sixteen-sided die and then to the
fourteen-sided die and so on. Different Action Dice are rolled when a Warrior
or Dwarf makes his second attack which he gains at Fifth Level and also when a
Dwarf rolls his Attack Bonus.
Suggestions are given if the Judge and his players lack
these different sided dice. If the Judge does want them, they are only
available from Gamescience. None of these are
inexpensive dice and that is just ordering them within the United States.
International orders are another matter… This is an issue with the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, but how much of an issue will vary between
one Judge and his players and another Judge and his players.
Combat in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game is
relatively little different to that of d20 System. Bar the use of a second
Action Die type to grant certain Classes second actions in combat – the Warrior
and the Dwarf gain a second attack and the Wizard and the Elf gain a second
spell to cast at higher levels, the extra combat rules add rules for Fumbles,
Critical Hits, and expanded details for Mighty Deeds of Arms. In each case
these are accompanied by tables and charts, which in the case of Critical Hits is
varies according to a character’s Class and Level, so there are several of
Magic in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game is no
longer a matter of casting a spell and forgetting about it. Instead magic is
deadly and dangerous, sometimes corrupting, but it can be very powerful. A
Wizard can enter duels with enemy Wizards and Clerics to counterspell their
spells and a Wizard can also Spellburn points in his Abilities to gain
temporary bonuses to regain lost spells. This is only temporary – rest and
recuperation will let the Wizard regain these Ability points. Spell duels
increase the capabilities of both Classes, although the rules do add a degree
of complexity and time consumption not readily found in the rest of the game.
Within the game itself, there is the danger of the spells perfectly countering
each other and setting up a ‘Phlogiston Disturbance’ that might cause the
spells to merge, the summoning of supernatural creatures, or set up a backward
time loop! In addition, whenever a Wizard learns a spell, he learns it in a
slightly different way to any other Wizard and that means that the spell has a
slightly different extra effect that varies from one Wizard to another. This
mercurial nature means that when the Wizard casts one spell, he might suffer
the Sleep of Ages, whilst with another he might gain a temporary Psychic
Shield. A Wizard’s Luck bonus applies to the roll to determine this effect
whenever he gains a new spell.
Over a third of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
is devoted to one thing – spells for both the Wizard and the Cleric. Each
receives roughly a page each that details how the spell works, what its effects
are, and what can go wrong with said spell; in other words, an effect chart. For
example, the classic standby of First Level Wizards everywhere, Magic Missile,
might manifest as a meteor, a screaming, clawing eagle, a ray of frost, a force
axe, and so on. When cast, a Wizard might throw a single Magic Missile that only
does a single point of damage; one that might normal damage; multiple missiles
or a single powerful one; and so on. Alternatively, the Wizard’s casting might
result in a Misfire, which for Magic Missile might cause the caster’s allies or
himself to be hit by multiple Magic Missiles, or to blow a hole under the
caster’s feet! Worse, the casting of the spell might have a Corrupting
influence upon the caster, which for Magic Missile might cause the skin of the
caster’s hands and forearms to change colour to acid green or become
translucent or to become invisible every time he casts Magic Missile! This is
in addition to the chances of the Wizard suffering from Major or even Greater
Rather than listing magic item after magic item, the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game presents both a discussion of their nature in
the ‘Known Realms’ and the means for the Judge to create them. Magic items in the
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game are rare and of a singular nature and
purpose. They may even be of such power as to arouse the ire of a demi-god! In
keeping with the sources within ‘Appendix N’, the creation of swords receives
particular attention, whilst guidelines are also given for the creation of
wands, rods, rings, and other items. The mixing of potions is covered by the
Make Potion spell. Monsters are treated in a not too dissimilar fashion. Although
standard versions of each are included, from the Basilisk and Bugbear to the
Wolf and the Zombie, there are rules and suggestions as to how to make them
mysterious, if not necessarily unique, essentially to spice them up a little,
and so ensure that they are not simply generic. The monsters have access to
broad set of their own Critical Hits table to roll on when fighting against the
player characters.
The last fifty or so pages are devoted to a series of
appendices that cover everything from languages and poisons to names and the
fabled ‘Appendix N’, as well as two short scenarios. ‘The Portal Under the
Stars’ is designed for Zero and First Level characters and sees them enter a
supernatural portal and delve into the burial tomb of an ancient war-wizard. It
is followed by ‘The Infernal Crucible of Sezrekan the Mad’, an adventure for Fifth Level characters
in which the experienced player characters enter one of the workshops of the
notorious sage, diabolist, and warlock, Sezrekan, who was obsessed with
attaining immortality. Both scenarios are relatively short if deadly affairs
that that are accorded plenty of detail and flavour. They also previously
appeared in the DCC RPG Free RPG Day Adventure Starter released for Free RPG Day
2011 and reviewed here.
In addition, certain editions of the game have a copy of Dungeon Crawl Classics
#66.5: Doom of the Savage Kings inserted inside the front cover. Designed for
First Level characters, this has them visit the village of Hirot which of late
has become besieged an immortal hound, a devil-beast that hunts the inhabitants
of the settlement. It can be played by Zero Level characters, but will be even
deadlier than the ‘The Portal Under the Stars’. Unlike ‘The Portal Under the
Stars’ and ‘The Infernal Crucible of Sezrekan the Mad’, Doom of the Savage
Kings is much more of a full scenario than a simple dungeon delve and serves as
a good adventure for First Level characters and the Judge new to the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.
Physically, the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game,
despite being almost five hundred pages long, is surprisingly light in the
hand. A wholly black and white hardback, what strikes the reader about the
volume is that it is profusely illustrated, not quite one illustration per
page, but certainly not far off. Every one of these illustrations is drawn by
artists familiar to the Old School Renaissance – Jeff Dee, Jeff Easely, Jim
Holloway, Erol Otus, Jim Roslof, and more. Many of the pieces delightfully
illustrate the text and all of them invoke not just the Old School style, but
also the look of the core three books of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – the
Monster Manual, the Player’s Handbook, and the Dungeon Master’s Guide; the
latter in particular with its little cartoons that dig at the mores of Dungeons
& Dragons. In addition, the cartography for all three adventures is
On the downside, the book lacks an index and that is
inexcusable in this century and age, especially given how often a Judge needs
to refer to the contents of the book. The Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing
Game is not a complex game by any means, but it makes heavy use of charts – and
often, especially if one of the player characters is a Cleric, an Elf, or a
Wizard when every casting of a spell requires the consultation of a particular
chart. This is more an issue than the need to purchase special dice in order to
get the most out of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, but there are
ways around this whereas there are no means given to play the game without the
charts. Nor though, would you want to. The charts and the tables are
fundamental to handling both the high and the low points of combat and both the
high and the low points of casting spells. Nor are the charts just mechanically
important, as they add both flavour and feel aplenty to the game’s play.
Whilst the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game is not
an Old School Retroclone per se, it is a love letter to the Old School. This
shows in the choice of artists, the use of the fundamentals of Dungeons &
Dragons’ architecture – the character Classes, the spells, and so on, and in
what by modern standards is an imbalance between one character and another.
This imbalance can be as simple as better core Abilities for one character and
not another, but it also shows up in the differences between the Classes. For
example, the Warrior is a consistently powerful Class with its Mighty Deed of
Arms capability, whereas the spell casting Classes are powerful, there are also
debilitating constraints to the use of magic, whether it is the chance of
mishaps and Corruption for the Wizard or the possibility of disapproval by his
deity for the Cleric. That said, when roleplayed, these are entertaining
aspects of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.
As the first major publisher to delve into the Old School
Renaissance with the Dungeon Crawl Classics line, Goodman Games was best placed
to publish a roleplaying game like the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.
There is no doubting that it would have been easy for Goodman Games to publish just
another Retroclone, but in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, Goodman
Games did something different. It designed and published an Old School style
RPG that draws on the same sources as Dungeons & Dragons, but yet stands on
its own mechanically, thematically, and tonally. As much as there is the
familiarity of both Dungeons & Dragons and the d20 System to the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, the differences in terms of its mechanics,
its themes, and its tone all serve to give the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role
Playing Game an engagingly brutal charm.